One of the great almost daily adventures at the cape was to take the boat out for some water and beach play.
Jon and Becca all ready to go.
Not everyone could go in the big boat, so some people road in kayaks. The kids LOVED this and we had to make sure to rotate turns evenly. Usually they would share a kayak with an aunt or uncle. However one time Aunt Anne gave the kayak over to Michael with the intent that she would swim along side him to help him out. Turns out Michael had four fabulous first strokes with the paddle and I turned to see him taking off across the lake himself with Aunt Anne left far behind. Too bad I don't have a picture of that.
Becca, our little water rat was in absolute heaven. We had to make sure she kept her life jacket on at all times because she would just take off into the water.
Jon found a fun game with Uncle Andrew were he got pulled along for a fun ride. He laid on the board yelling out commands for slower, faster, and medium! Mom and Dad were happy to have Uncle Andrew around to supply the adult energy needed for this game.
Michael was in heaven when Grandpa went out and bought a tube.
But it was Uncle Andrew that really did the stunt work.
The kids had a great time on the boat and water playing with family.
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