Thursday, February 28, 2013


I got to take Jon and Becca sledding this past Tuesday with my mom's group.  I was a bit apprehensive since the last time they went sledding the barely lasted 10 minutes.  When we got there the hill was pretty steep and almost solid ice.  I had to grab Jon and head down the hill with him before he could get too scared.  And it worked - he loved it!!  Becca did too.  I think it actually helped that it was icy.  It was more like a slide and there was no snow to get in the face.

After many times going with Mom, I finally talked Jon into going with some of the other kids.  Yah!

Becca went quite a few times with me and some with another mom.  Eventually she did go twice with Jon, but I don't think she liked walking back up the hill without a Mom.  She lasted 45 minutes though which is awesome and then chose to sit on the bench and watch for a while as the bigger kids finished up.

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